Wednesday, September 9, 2009


Perfection refers to the weather!  My studio has a door directly to the back yard and lately I have taken to sitting outside to muse about paintings in progress.  I have some hooks on the fence providing me with a plein air gallery and of course there is lots of comfortable seating as well.  The September weather has been made to order:  not too cool, not too hot, no rain, not humid, no bugs - perfect!
Here are two versions of an abstract I've been working on.  Early version on the left, a later revision on the right.  Improved or not?  I'm not sure....

         "Improv 3"  acrylic on canvas   22" X 28"


Anonymous said...

Yes, definately improved. I like that satisfyingly rounded yellow shape and the green lines. nice one Hennie! That looks like a great outdoor gallery!

Inspiroto / Artmosphere said...

Thanks Sally. I like this latest one tho I am starting to see fruits and vegetables - perhaps not a bad thing! H

Silverbear said...

I prefer the one on the right. The colours are fuller and less dramatic than the colours on the right.
Great collection on the fence. Vivid compositions!!