These are works in progress, very small, 5 by 7 inches each. I haven't done any work this tiny before but am enjoying focusing down. Once again I'm letting the water do it's thing and I'll be adding more of "my thing" as they reach completion. Can you see the Icelandic landscape that inspired these?
I can't decide which one I prefer, so I will say that I am intrigued by the lapping of texture in the one on the left. To me, it is the more interesting one. More detailed, more "luminous". I wonder which one was the more technically challenging piece?
Hey Wayne, thanks! They have changed pretty dramatically so I will post an update and you can pick your fave. My neighbour the artist says they remind him of Australia! Hah, so much for the Iceland theme! I may be chanelling Fred Willimas, an Aus artist. Sally gave me a book about him, fabulous work...
Fred Williams would love these Hennie. fun!
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